BeU=P.I.E. is a non-profit organization that caters to young girls/young adults between the ages of 10-21. It’s goal is to promote uniqueness, purpose, passion, and creativity.
It was named in honor of Zhaneshia “Pie” Burnette, who passed away in an unfortunate car accident. The grief from this loss was tough; but it motivated her mom (Maiesha Lachae) to do something that would allow her daughter’s legacy to live on.
Anyone who knew or met “Pie” was instantly drawn to her unique fashion style, quirky humor, and various interests. The beauty of “Pie” was her ability to be who she was, not matter the environment.
BeU=P.I.E. simply mean there is Purpose In Everyone. No matter how different you may be. This organizations does not promote conformity to norms; but more so teach young participants how to manage their uniqueness in a way that is purposeful and helpful.